Parenting Teenagers

Parenting teens is hard! In this article you’ll learn parenting tips for teenagers. Effective communication is key and changes with every phase of our kids development.

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8 Tips for Parenting a Teenager (from a teen therapist)

Having teens challenges you on so many deep levels. It is tough, yet can be incredibly rewarding. They have this push-pull dynamic where they want to assert their growing independence and new found freedoms, yet still need you. They can drive, hold down a job, and open a bank account with help, but still need you for money, guidance, and time with you. Plus, you now worry about their expanding freedom with driving, staying out later, and remembering all the things you taught them about safety, drugs, alcohol, and sex.

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Postpartum Sex: Physical Intimacy After Having Kids

Are you have intimacy issues since having children? It can be hard to find time for physical intimacy after children. This article will address the common barriers to sex and physical intimacy after having children. We will also expand intimacy to include other types of intimacy. We will include the definitions of the types of intimacy and ways to build emotional intimacy, intellectual intimacy, and spiritual intimacy.

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Parenting Arianna Boddy Parenting Arianna Boddy

How to be a Good Mother

We are now in a world where we are flooded with information and misinformation. It is hard to know where to start, which approach you want to implement in your household, what one’s are backed by science and research, etc. No matter the parenting approach, mental health professionals and research support authoritative parenting styles.

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Parenting Cynthia King Parenting Cynthia King

Parenting With Self-Compassion

Motherhood is hard. We can be very self-critical and society can be very critical of us. In this article you will learn about the definition of self-compassion and how to incorporate more self-compassion into your daily life.

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