Do Breaks in a Relationship Work?

Relationships are complex and complicated; therefore, the answer to whether breaks work in a relationship is just as challenging to answer.It is imperative to set boundaries when you want to take a break in your relationship. Keeping it open-ended, undefined, and unclear can be incredibly unsettling and is insensitive to the other person. They might feel like they are being punished, putting their life on hold, unsafe, insecure, and confused. Learn how to take a healthy break.

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Arianna Boddy Arianna Boddy

Hollywood Love vs. Real Life

As a young girl, did you remember watching all the princess movies and romcoms. Love was magical and romantic. It was a fairytale! Relationships were depicted as sexy, romantic, passionate, and full of desire. Love was passion and being head over heels. Is this how we should measure love? If passion fades or changes over time, does this mean you are not in love?

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